

  1. To provide students with opportunities to build a capability to use  English to think & communicate & acquire, develop & apply knowledge.
  2. To develop students’ confidence in using English.
  3. To promote students’ interest in learning English.

Literacy Programme

1.    P. 1-3 School-based Literacy Programme

  • To better suit the needs of our students, a school-based literacy programme “Reading and Writing Workshop (RWW)” for P. 1-3 has been developed since 2015. 
  • Students enjoy lessons with our NET, Mr. Davis, in the bright, language-rich Reading Room. Here, students develop key literacy skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), explore a wide range of text types, take risks with language, use creativity and have fun with English!
  • Big books and small books for supported reading are carefully chosen to link with the teaching themes and language focus of the textbook units.
  • Lessons are enriched with interactive activities leading to a final task.
  • High frequency words and phonics teaching are incorporated in the lessons.

    Reading workshop with NET




2.    P. 1-3 Guided Reading 

Reading strategies modelled in whole-class big book reading are reinforced in small groups. Teachers listen to pupils read books of an appropriate level and offer support and guidance as students develop their reading and comprehension skills.


3.    School-based Phonics Programme

It is based on Oxford’s Read Write Inc, systematically introduces new sounds which are regularly revised. Learning is supported through a workbook and online revision videos which can be watched at home.


4.    Development of Text Sets (DTS)

  • At CPS, we follow the EDB’s DTS Literacy Programme, which gives us the flexibility to design engaging lessons in support of the General English curriculum. 
  • DTS lessons incorporate stimulating and challenging reading materials and students work individually and in groups in memorable and authentic activities, such as producing video weather reports, performing in mini-dramas and buying and selling food at the ‘CPS restaurant’ or ‘CPS online supermarket’.


5.    P. 4-6 Writing Workshops 

For a smooth transition from shared writing and group writing in KS1, a process writing approach has been adopted in KS2 with different text types.

  • P.2 and P.3 Group Teaching

    To better cater for learner diversity, P. 2-3 students are put into five ability groups. Group A is the more-able group with 30 students and Group R is the least-able group with 10 students. This grouping measure has been in practice since 2012 and has proved to be effective in supporting student learning.

  • School-based Phonics Programme (P.1-3)

    P.1 Phonics Revision  Videos
    P.2 Phonics Revision  Videos
    P.3 Phonics Revision  Videos
  • Learning Outside the Classroom  

    Different English-related activities are organized to engage students in learning and using English in fun ways. Activities include English Ambassador Programme, English-speaking Tuesday, “A Song to You” Song Dedication, Weekly Morning Assembly with Principal Mr Soon and NET Mr Davis, theme-based Recess Booth Games, Puppetry lessons & competition, Penmanship Competitions, Christmas Day, Chinese New Year Celebration, English Fun Day, TOEFL Junior Test and Preparatory Course and more.

Chinese Cultural Day (English game booths)
Weekly morning assembly with Principal Mr Soon and NET Mr Davis
Recess booth games




Useful Links

Oxford Owl
Bookflix (P.1 – P.3)
Space Town Go
British Council (Learn English online)
BBC Learning English (Stories for Children Section)
Cambridge Dictionary
HKedCity (English Campus)
HKedCity (Creative speech)
Peppa Pig
Disney Plus (Subscription payment is required)
Epic (Subscription payment is required)